Rajesh Kumar is a Post Graduate from IRMA (89-91) and Economics Hons. (KMC, Delhi University, 86-89). During 91-94 he worked with an NGO (NMSWDF) in district of Dahod and Alirajpur, among Bhils (ST), supporting Lift Irrigation Cooperatives of Bhil Farmers. During 94-97 he worked with SSK (Lucknow), a Support Organization as trainer.Β  Towards the end of 1997 he initiated a Non Government Development Organisation, namely LOKMITRA, in Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh.Β 

He has worked as Chief Functionary and Director of Lokmitra since inception (January 1908). He mobilised a cadre of volunteers and initiated the work. Slowly work of Lokmitra has grown under his managerial and programmatic leadership. Now Lokmitra has become a well known Education Support Organisation, providing supplementary education to Out of School and in School children of deprived community.

He is good at developing IEC and Learning materials for teachers, children and parents. He is a good trainer and facilitator on aspect of educational change, pedagogy, etc. He has attended β€˜Junior 8’ summit organised by UNICEF in Rome. He has visited Vocational program of BRAC (Bangladesh) during two week exposure visit to BRAC, Grameen Bank & Proshika in Bangladesh.Β 

Ms Priya Bharti has been involved with Lokmitra from inception as volunteer/part time worker, taking care of accounts and documentation. From 2004, she became Program Manager, supporting Chief Functionary in day to day management of various projects and development of learning materials. After few years, she became Program Director of ongoing projects, taking overall responsibility. Two such project were supported by PACS (DFID) Tata Trust (SDTT).

She is Science Graduate and studied Masters in Education from IGNOU. She has done Organizational Development fellowship program from HIDF and attended ISABS Human Process Lab. She has attended curriculum development workshop organised by World Population Foundation (Netherlands) to develop SRH/R package through participatory process. She has attended Training of Trainers, Training on Education Theory & Practice facilitated by Digantar. She has visited education program of Bodh, Digantar, Nirantar & Eklavya. She has expertise in developing curriculum and learning material for adolescents, community etc.

As a part of SDTT supported adolescent education project, she has coordinated the vocational training of 500 adolescents in 8 trades.Β 

Ms. Priya Bharti, has been nominated in 2013, member of State Advisory Committee constituted under RTE Act. During 2011-12 she has supported SSA Uttar Pradesh in SMC Module development and in TOT on SMC.Β 

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