Governing Body

Lokmitra has a seven-member executive board that meets twice a year and occasionally interacts with staff and participates in some activities. Board is quite balanced, being led by Dr Manju Dubey. She is working for Child Protection & Rehabilitation. Mr Rajesh Kumar has been secretary to the board since its inception. He is also the Chief Functionary of the organisation. Board ensure that there is the continuous development of organisational policies. Lokmitra has a well-developed HR policy with detailed service rule, accounts manual, gender policy, etc.

S.N. Name Designation Profession Education From
1 Dr. Manju Dubey Chairperson Social Work (VARDAN) PhD 1998
3 Sri Kamlesh Chandra Joshi Vice Chairperson Educationist (APF) Graduate 2008
2 Sri Daulat Ram Member Social Work (BJSA) Graduate 2001
4 Mr. Abdul Qayum Member Development Consultant XISS Ranchi 2008
5 Devendra Kumar Misra Member Social Work & Shashwat Sahbhagi Sansthan Post Graduate 2021
6 Smt Jaishri Member Educationist (Adharshilia School) Graduate 1998
7 Sri Rajesh Kumar Secretary Social Work(LOKMITRA) IRMA, Eco (Hons) Delhi University. 1998

Advisory Body