Lokmitra has seven member executive board that meets twice a year and occasionaly interacts with staff and participates in some activities. Board is quite balanced, being led by an Dr. Manju Dubey. She is works for Child Protection & Rehabilitation. Mr. Rajesh Kumar has been secretary to the board since inception. He is also Chief Functionary of the organisation. Board ensure that there is continuos development of organisational policies. Lokmitra has well developed HR policy with detailed service rule, accounts mannual, gender policy, etc.

Evaluation of programs get done at regualr level. A process of internal audit has alos been initiated with the involvement of staff. Stakeholders are regularly consulted, formally and informally to assess the quality of work. Base line is carried out with children, parent, teachers etc.

Lokmitra has a well experienced pool of about 80 full time staff with long experience in education program. About 25 full time workers have more than five years of experience. These staff have got training from resource persons and over the years have acquired capacity to do training of community mobilizers, teachers. Team is able to develop good quality IC materials, manuals, bulletins, case studies, etc. Team has developed and tested a 20 hour curriculum for grade eight students, a number of innovative practices on pedagogy, community mobilization, etc. Some staff of are also experienced in Health, Panchayat, Labour rignt, livelihood issues. Lokmitra has a modest library to assist staff in their knowledge building.

Strength of the Organisation

In August 2009 Lokmitra education program supportted by SRTT was evaluated by Dr Sharada Jain & Sandha team. They found following strenght in Lokmitra.

  • Democratic Management

The review team felt that Lokmitra organization is a sincere committed authentic initiative with democratic management and decentralized working principles. All the documents pertaining to the project are shared with team members. The field functionaries are fairly autonomous in their day-to-day decision making. Training teams are self reliant. Review and planning meetings are held regularly with academic rigor.

  • Continuous Learning organization

Lokmitra was found to be a learning group, keen on updating its knowledge base through exposure, interaction and access to documents. Their insistence on the entire team being able to access growing body of knowledge is laudable. They have visited Bodh and Digantar in Rajasthan,Β  MVF in Andhra Pradesh) and attempted to incorporate the pedagogic strengths of Eklavya (Madhya Pradesh

  • Transparency and Accountability

The most remarkable part of Lokmitra has been its transparency; this includes transparency in accounts. Participation of parents in monthly meetings almost necessitates an openness which inspires faith in the initiative.



Human Resource Composition 2010
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Staff & Salary Structure 2010
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