Phase – 1 Shaping Direction, Evolving Ways (Inception to 2005)

  • Initial years were that of learning by doing and of getting exposed to what other are doing. Main approach followed was to provide support teachers to schools with very high PTR. Effort to build internal capacity on pedagogy and community mobilization started.
  • Lokmitra alway tried to evolve its project on the basis of its learning from its own experiences and from the experiences of other such effort in India. This led to an un-structured kind of project. This was attempted despite limitation of human resources (mostly drawn from project area with limmited educational exposure). Focus was on constant learning through collaborative work. Project provided more or less of such opportunities. There was cross learning among projects (Brick Worker, Education & Panchayat). Thus a sound basis of being innovative & creative in its works got established. A different path in design of publication was taken.
  • Financial System got well established

Phase – 2 Consolidating Learning and Building on Success (2007 to 2009)

  • Deepening of Impact.
  • Engagement with Teacher grew.
  • Growing Capacity to produce good publications.
  • New capacity to evovle coalition and manage state level advocacy.
  • Delegation of responsibiities and growth of Middle Team. Experimentation with hiering qualified team with relevant education and experience).
  • HR system got evolved.

Phase – 3 Taking advantage of Opportunities for Larger Impact (2010 to 2015)

  • Enactment of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 from 1st April 2010 ushered Lokmitra in a new legal reality that had its own challenges. Lokmitra has taken a dynamic view of current situation and it is still hopeful to invest on processes that will pave the way for next round of legislative changes and redefining of development priorities. For the first time a large numbers of parents will get mobilized through SMCs. SMCs can be facilitated to federate at Cluster and Block level to carve space for their mutual learning (rather being dependent on government machinery) and learn how to make government machinery and legislatures accountable.
  • Towards the end of year Chief Functionary (Mr. Rajesh Kumar) was selected as State Representative by NCPCR for monitoring of RTE.
  • Lokmitra is also getting involved in National level process. It submitted Comment on Draft Revised SSA Framework in Dec 2010,
  • Lokmitra presentted its effort on SMC at the stocktaking by Right to Education Forum on 31st March 2011. Memorandum has been submitted to Directors at MHRD and to high profile political leaders.
  • Confidence to engage with Teachers Union.
  • Selection of Lokmitra by PACS (DFID) through an elaborate process for a four year education project.
  • From current yearΒ  there has been new uncertainties due to shrinkage of Foreign Grant support, as happened with reduction in budget by Oxfam due reduction by back donors.
  • It is very important for Lokmitra to mobilize sufficient core grant support so that it has more flexibility in being in strategic role, taking benefit of all emerging opportunities and develop its human resource with long term perspective.
  • To equip itself for emerging opportunities OD process was initiated with support of HID Forum in 2009 and taken forward in 2010 with constitution of a steering group. About 80 staff sat together to identify needs and issues. It emerged that staff wanted Lokmitra to be of national repute and see its good practice spread to larger scale. Organizational Climate was assessed and found to be high on Achievement and Extension motive and low on control motive. This was explained to be good for the organization. Issues for organizational development were also identified.
  • Internal capacity of the organization to facilitate change got boost through the OD fellowship program of HID Forum in which two staff participated and took small projects of OD. About five staff participated in Basic Lab in Human Process (BLHP by ISABS). Then we had a renowned educationist Prof B K Passi who worked passionately to inculcate skills and attitude for Dialogue.

Conscientization approach tends to produce opposition and a struggle for power within the existing system, rather than a radical transformation of that system. It is suggested by some that radical transformations proceed from Dialogue, not dialectic. David Bohm describes Dialogue as β€œa way of exploring the roots of the many crises that face humanity today.”

  • There is much improvement in facilitating group processes in various occasions, especially during staff workshop. Understanding of OD process and Organizational Issues is enabling staff to look at School and DIET as an organization and be their change facilitator as well. Human Resource Management system that had got developed to a stage could get maintained to that level. Performance Appraisal and Coaching has been used over last three years.
  • Change in the organization was further crystallized changing its LOGO and tag line. It got public from January 2011 along with the launch of redesigned website. Tree with strong roots and new leaves conveys its simultaneous focus on grassroot mobilization and subsequently through strengthening civil society and focus on knowledge building; Lokmitra will engender development that is inclusive.