Promod is now to confident of completing school education and dream beyond. Migrating to distant brick Kiln with parents and supporting them in odd work of brick molding for 6 months has been the harsh reality of Pramod. Last October 2018, when he was being convinced to stay in Seasonal Hostel, he was enrolled in Grade 4 in Primary School of his village. But it was just for namesake as he was not able to even write his name. Now his father is very proud that his son can read storybooks. Pramod and his father have renewed their hope that Pramod will not only complete his schooling but study beyond to pursue a career in health and serve in the village.

Even though he was getting convinced to stay in the seasonal hostel, he was hesitant in going to school as he used to get scolded for not being able to read. Seasonal Hostel in Bhujarakh had started for the 3rd year. But Pramod would have been joining for the first time. So he was first encouraged to attend Learning Resource Centre and participate in storytelling, drawing, flipping through pictorial storybooks. He got a chance to play with Hostel children. He liked all this and agreed to stay back in Hostel while his parents went away to a brick kiln in the state of Haryana, about 700 Km away to.

Lokmitra facilitators convince the teacher to give Pramod attention and be patient for progress in his learning. In four-month time, by March 2019 Pramod was able to read storybooks and do basic arithmetic operations.
Banda and many other districts of Uttar Pradesh have many villages from where children are forced to migrate with their children for more than six months to Brick Kiln. Provision of seasonal Hostel, like to one Pramod attended, goes a long way in ensuring completion of proper school education. And this is the right of every child. Now LOKMITRA and AIF are trying to convince the state government of Uttar Pradesh to make provision of such Seasonal Hostel in affected villages. The initiative in Uttar Pradesh under LAMP project of AIF has successfully demonstrated that Gram Panchayat, School Management Committee, and parents can come together to manage Seasonal Hostel and support the government in ensuring the educational right of children like Pramod.